How to find a suitable job offer fast?

find a suitable job offer fast

How to find a suitable job offer fast?


In today’s world, we have all the necessary problems to make our lives hard.

We have wars, economic crises, low payments, high prices and taxes … everything we need to find ourselves in the “impossible mission” to find our next job!


But… there is a way!

At DG Recruitment we always find a way to guide our candidates to the fast employment track!


Here is our step-by-step guide.

  1. Make sure you have ready a full details resume in English, copies of your certificates, diplomas, awards and at least one reference from one of your past employer
  2. Make a video introduction of yourself, showcasing your skills, abilities, and experience. The video should picture yourself speaking, so pay attention to your dress code, and background, remember to smile from time to time, and keep everything in a maximum of one minute and a half. You can prepare your speech, and write it down on a piece of paper to make sure you touched all the points. Do not share your contact details in the video, as these are already in your resume.
  3. Search for job offers that fit your needs, of course, you have to be sure what your needs are, and leave the financial goal to be the last on your needs. Your pay rate will grow as you will prove your skills in a company. Nobody will hire you with the highest pay rate for the job, as they are not sure of your capabilities until they are hiring and see you at work.
  4. Finding trusted Job Boards is a nightmare. My advice would be to go for the big ones, such as Indeed, and Glassdoor, but also keep an eye on the new coming Job Boards like, as there you can find unbelievable offers! For example, on, you can find a lot of available offers, from drivers to IT specialists, and as a new job board, they have to do everything to make sure the jobs are real and available!
  5. Apply for more than 3 jobs, but if you are looking for a visa sponsorship job make sure this is specified in the job ad! Also, these types of job offers will require some financial participation from your side (visa costs), so make sure you have the financial reserve for that.
  6. Don’t forget to insert also your video introduction in your application form! If there is no possibility to upload the video, you can upload it on your YouTube account and put the link to the video in your application.


Placing all the details will take you out of the crowd and make the employers want to contact you, so be prepared to receive emails, calls, and interviews!


If you want to know more about the entire process you can contact us anytime!

We do have a free service for all candidates, by placing the candidate’s skills, and details on a special page on our website, so the employer can contact them directly. If you are willing to create a visible profile, of course, you will have to register on our website as a candidate, and then insert all the above in your profile!


Good luck in your job hunt!

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